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TEA Texas Career & Technical Education (CTE) News

TEA Texas Career & Technical Education (CTE) News

Legislative Updates

The 87th Texas Legislature passed House Bill (HB) 1525, which establishes that, beginning with the 2021-22 school year, a district is entitled to weighted funding as follows:

  • 1.1 for CTE courses not in an approved program of study;
  • 1.28 for levels one and two CTE courses in an approved program of study, as identified by the agency; or
  • 1.47 for levels three and four CTE courses in an approved program of study, as identified by the agency.

An alphabetical list of current CTE courses and their designated weights is available at

Lists of courses and weights by CTE career cluster and program of study are available at

Please see the To the Administrator Addressed correspondence that was posted on August 5 for more information.

The 87th Texas Legislature also passed House Bill (HB) 773, which includes successful completion of programs of study in the accountability system. Planning for this statutory change has just begun. No changes are anticipated until the 2022-23 accountability reset. Information discussed with an agency advisory committee recently does not reflect any final decisions. There will be opportunities for interested stakeholders to provide input regarding potential adjustments in the coming months.

CTE TEKS Review and Revision

Proposed revisions to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) will be considered by the State Board of Education (SBOE) for certain high school career and technical education (CTE) courses in the following career clusters: Education and Training; Human Services; Health Science; Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM); and additional courses eligible to satisfy a graduation requirement in science. The SBOE is scheduled to consider the proposed revisions to these CTE TEKS for first reading and filing authorization on September 1 and 3, 2021. The live webcast of the meeting will be available online at The webcast will also be archived and available via the same link after the meeting.

A public hearing on proposed revisions to the CTE TEKS is scheduled for August 31, 2021. The public hearing and the proposed new TEKS item will be posted in the SBOE’s September agenda. Individuals may register to provide public testimony online starting at 8:00 a.m. (Central Time) on Thursday, August 26, and continuing through 5:00 p.m. (Central Time) on Friday, August 27.

Additional information regarding registration is provided on the public testimony registration web page. The public hearings also can be viewed via the live webcast.

Application for State Board of Education Career and Technical Education TEKS Revision Work Groups for Animal Science, Plant Science, and Cybersecurity Programs of Study

The Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) is now accepting applications from individuals interested in serving on a TEKS review work group for select CTE courses. The SBOE identifies individuals, including educators, parents, business and industry representatives, and employers, to serve on TEKS work groups. The work groups will review the TEKS for courses included in the following programs of study: Animal Science, Plant Science, and Cybersecurity.

Course review entails revision of existing TEKS, evaluation of innovative courses for TEKS adoption, and the development of new courses. The SBOE's TEKS review and revision process calls for multiple, separate work groups. A link is provided below to the CTE TEKS review web page where you can access the work group application. Please enter information in the application that best reflects your experience.

CTE TEKS Review Web Page

For questions regarding this application or the TEKS review process, please contact the Curriculum Standards and Student Support Division at 512-463-9581 or

CTE Indicator Auto Coding Resources

The 2020-2021 school year marks the full implementation of the CTE indicator auto coding system. The data collection and reporting procedure improvements mandated by Perkins V also include the use of course completion records, a change in CTE student codes (now codes 4, 5, E, 6, and 7), and the selection of federally reported Perkins indicators to evaluate CTE program performance. The resource documents to replicate the CTE indicator auto code system are available at The IT resource documents include:

  1. LEA/Vendor Instructions – CTE Indicator Code Auto-calculation Instructions
  2. Appendix – Decision Tree, Decision Tree Summary, Scenarios (Not inclusive of every outcome), Scenarios Worksheet, and Validation Rules
  3. Texas CTE Indicator Auto Coding (Codes and Definitions)
  4. Source Data – CTE Look-up Tables

Resources for administrators and CTE program staff related to the CTE indicator auto code system are available at Those resources include:

  1. Auto Code Power Point Presentation:
  2. CTE Indicator Auto Code FAQ:
  3. Video – An Introduction to the Texas CTE Indicator Auto Code Project:

 Please contact Kevin Johnson at for additional information.

Secure Your 2021-2022 Campus ASVAB Testing Dates

.The ASVAB Career Exploration Program (CEP) program managers are currently scheduling schools for testing in the 2021-2022 school year. The sooner you submit your request, the more likely you are to get your preferred ASVAB test date. Please visit this link for additional information:

 August 16, 2021