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Certified Educational Technology Leader

Certified Education Technology Leader (CETL®)

For K-12 education technology leaders, earning the CETL® certification will demonstrate to your staff, superintendent, and other stakeholders that you have mastered the knowledge and skills needed to define the vision for and successfully build 21st century learning environments in your school district.
View the national Directory of Certified Education Technology Leaders to see who you can talk to about this certification. Look below to see what Texas CETL qualified CTOs you can talk with to find out more about this CoSN Certification.
Find out more about CETL certification here

CETL Certified TETL Members

Daniel Armstrong
Sean Babcock
Joe Barnett
Steve Barnwell
Cindy Bingman
Henry Blair
Chad Branum
Sean Brinkman
Doug Brubaker
Gregg  Burcham
James Burger
Karla Burkholder
David Carpenter
Cara Carter
Joseph  Christoffersen
Jarrett Cochran
Sarah Collins
Freddie Cox
Todd Davis
Dianne  Doherty Borreson
Charlyn Doyle
Terry Driscoll
Jeffrey Eagen
Trey Eubanks
Donna Eurek
Adam Feind
Jacque Fewin
Matt Flood
Matthew Frey
Karen Fuller
Karl Garcia
Jesse Garn
Jason Genovese
Robin Gunter
Seth Hansen
Justin Hardisty
Wes Hargrove
Jeffrey Harris
Brandie Harycki
Sandra Hayes
Thomas Holly
Greg Hubenak
Jamey Hynds
Rusty Ivey
Joseph Jacks
Frankie Jackson
Charlie  Jackson
Damon Jackson
Michele Jacobsen
Wendy  Jones
Bryon Kolbeck
David Koonce
Chris Langford
Caroline Lightfoot
Eduardo E. Lopez
William Lovelace
Myrna Martinez
Mark  Maxwell
Jennifer  Miller
Helen  Mowers
John Orbaugh
Alice Owen
Cary Owens
Adam Patterson
Robert Pierce
Mignon  Plyler
Kerry  Rampelli
Venu Rao
Kari Rhame Murphy
Bradley Ricks
Teri Ross
Paula Ross
David Saltmarsh
Kevin Schwartz
Dev Shah
Tracie Simental
Todd Sissom
Robin Stout
Dana Sons
Loni Taylor
Kristofer Thurston
Victor Valdez
Robyne Vaughn
Laurie Vondersaar
Valerie Wall
Michael Wallace
Brenda White
Akilah Willery
Ed  Wilson
Lewis Wynn