Certified Education Technology Leader (CETL®)
For K-12 education technology leaders, earning the CETL® certification will demonstrate to your staff, superintendent, and other stakeholders that you have mastered the knowledge and skills needed to define the vision for and successfully build 21st century learning environments in your school district.
View the national Directory of Certified Education Technology Leaders to see who you can talk to about this certification. Look below to see what Texas CETL qualified CTOs you can talk with to find out more about this CoSN Certification.
Find out more about CETL certification here.
CETL Certified TETL Members
Daniel | Armstrong |
Sean | Babcock |
Joe | Barnett |
Steve | Barnwell |
Cindy | Bingman |
Henry | Blair |
Chad | Branum |
Sean | Brinkman |
Doug | Brubaker |
Gregg | Burcham |
James | Burger |
Karla | Burkholder |
David | Carpenter |
Cara | Carter |
Joseph | Christoffersen |
Jarrett | Cochran |
Sarah | Collins |
Freddie | Cox |
Todd | Davis |
Dianne | Doherty Borreson |
Charlyn | Doyle |
Terry | Driscoll |
Jeffrey | Eagen |
Trey | Eubanks |
Donna | Eurek |
Adam | Feind |
Jacque | Fewin |
Matt | Flood |
Matthew | Frey |
Karen | Fuller |
Karl | Garcia |
Jesse | Garn |
Jason | Genovese |
Robin | Gunter |
Seth | Hansen |
Justin | Hardisty |
Wes | Hargrove |
Jeffrey | Harris |
Brandie | Harycki |
Sandra | Hayes |
Thomas | Holly |
Greg | Hubenak |
Jamey | Hynds |
Rusty | Ivey |
Joseph | Jacks |
Frankie | Jackson |
Charlie | Jackson |
Damon | Jackson |
Michele | Jacobsen |
Wendy | Jones |
Bryon | Kolbeck |
David | Koonce |
Chris | Langford |
Caroline | Lightfoot |
Eduardo E. | Lopez |
William | Lovelace |
Myrna | Martinez |
Mark | Maxwell |
Jennifer | Miller |
Helen | Mowers |
John | Orbaugh |
Alice | Owen |
Cary | Owens |
Adam | Patterson |
Robert | Pierce |
Mignon | Plyler |
Kerry | Rampelli |
Venu | Rao |
Kari | Rhame Murphy |
Bradley | Ricks |
Teri | Ross |
Paula | Ross |
David | Saltmarsh |
Kevin | Schwartz |
Dev | Shah |
Tracie | Simental |
Todd | Sissom |
Robin | Stout |
Dana | Sons |
Loni | Taylor |
Kristofer | Thurston |
Victor | Valdez |
Robyne | Vaughn |
Laurie | Vondersaar |
Valerie | Wall |
Michael | Wallace |
Brenda | White |
Akilah | Willery |
Ed | Wilson |
Lewis | Wynn |