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Texas STaR Chart Update

Texas STaR Chart Update

For educators anticipating a restart of the STaR Chart system for the 2016–2017 school year, please note that the legacy system has been permanently closed. Districts that wish to provide a district-level report on technology implementation may use the online survey. Participation in the survey is voluntary and only needs to be completed once per district. The representative selected to complete the survey should confer with other stakeholders before completing the survey to ensure accurate reporting.

Since measurements of technology implementation are important, districts might consider using other survey tools or developing local measurements. Information gathered through other survey tools or local measurements does not need to be reported back to TEA.

Statewide technology implementation information gathered during the 2014–2015 and 2015–2016 school years—through STaR Chart, the 2015–2016 online survey, and other survey tools—will be published in the 2016 Progress Report on the Long-Range Plan for Technology. For further information, contact

We have received numerous requests to make the Texas Teacher STaR Chart available in an editable version. Districts wishing to use questions from the Texas Teacher STaR Chart to create local forms may download a Word document here. As a reminder, technology implementation information gathered through third party survey tools or local measurements does not need to be reported back to TEA.

 October 19, 2016